Slim Waist: Workout, Pamela Reif & Flat Belly

Slim waist – We say no to shapewear and waist shapers! Get your slim waist with the perfect ab workout. Our fitness exercises are not only perfect for a small waist, but also train your belly at the same time. Consistent and regular training, as well as a balanced diet is the key to visible success! With abdominal exercises, everyone can get closer to their dream of a defined belly, whether at home or in the gym. Here you will find the best exercises for a small waist and a trained belly! Read more about home workouts here. Back to abdominal care and back to the beauty guide.

Slim waist – Workout

With the right training, the right exercises and the appropriate diet, every woman can shape her own dream figure. The key to success: regularity and discipline! Then nothing can stand in the way of your dream figure!

Slim waist with Pamela Reif

If anyone knows how to build perfect abs and get a slim waist, it’s fitness icon Pamela Reif. This routine focuses on ab exercises that target your oblique muscle group. Try it out !

Hourglass figure in only 14 days

Conjure up a slim waist in just 14 days with the 8 Minute Workout Challenge. The exercises show you how to lose targeted belly fat and thus focus on your waist. For the best results, make sure you eat healthy!

Beauty Tips: Belly workout and more

For those who like their tummy defined, we’ve put together effective workout videos. For more beauty secrets, like how to get rid of strawberry legs and how to take care of your feet after a good workout, click here. Get fit!

Strawberry legs: care, oils & tips

You always have the problem that you have to fight with strawberry legs after shaving? In this article you will learn how you can get rid of strawberry legs and prevent them in the future. We also show you how to take care of your legs before and after shaving.

Belly Workout: Six Pack & Pamela Reif

You finally want a defined belly or want to strengthen your abdominal muscles even more? Then you are exactly right here! You will learn everything about abdominal muscles. We have put together the perfect workout for you, from training duration, nutrition to the optimal abdominal exercises. Go ahead and get your dream body!

Foot care: home remedies & massage

Foot care tips – How to treat your feet right? Our feet go through a tough time every day with all the hustle and bustle of modern life, long lines and uncomfortable shoes that can cause discomfort and affect our overall health. Here are the most useful foot care tips to keep your feet and toenails looking gorgeous.

Tummy Care: Tips, Slim Waist & Workout

Here you come back to the belly care overview.